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    “Beetle Stompers has been a great teaching tool for my children. They are engaged throughout the entire book because they are intrigued by the story and can’t wait to see what happens next. The pictures bring the story to life. So many questions about how to handle hard situations came up after the story was done. We have read this story many times already, as request of my three kids.”

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    “This is a wonderful book and my two children love when I read it to them. The principles of overcoming fears and obstacles and finding creative solutions to problems is a great lesson for them to learn. This book presents it in such a fun way like no other book I’ve found yet. Highly recommend this one!”

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    “I’m so impressed by this book! What a fun story to help teach kids about problem-solving and overcoming obstacles. I’ve found it to be such a great teaching tool, and it is something I’ve referred back to time and time again when talking to my kids about the different challenges they face. It’s definitely a book that I will keep in my parenting toolbelt for years to come.”

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    April and Alyssa have made a wonderful contribution to the world of children’s books. “Beetle Stompers” is a delightful read that teaches problem solving and how to overcome fears through trusting one another. I recommend it for any reader seeking an engaging plot and attention-getting drawings.

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